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"Toward a Social Theory of Aesthetic Autonomy: Schiller and Staël," Colloquium, Franklin and Marshall, October 4, 2024.


"Toward a Social Theory of Aesthetic Autonomy: Schiller and Staël," Colloquium, Tufts, September 27, 2024.


Comments for a Symposium on Anna Kornbluh's Immediacy, or the Style of Too Late Capitalism. Harvard's Mahindra Humanities Center Dialectical Thinking in the Humanities Group, September 20, 2024.


"Toward a Social Theory of Aesthetic Autonomy: Schiller and Staël," Berlin Summer Colloquium, F.U., Berlin: June 22, 2024.


"Toward a Social Theory of Aesthetic Autonomy: Kantian and Post-Kantian Precedents," Philosophy of Art and Aesthetic Normativity: A Society of German Idealism and Romanticism Conference, University of Cambridge, U.K.: May 10-11, 2024.


"The Value of Creativity: A Kantian Perspective," Kant's 3rd Critique Workshop, Princeton, March 1, 2024.


"The Value of Creativity: A Kantian Perspective," Eastern APA: New York, January 17, 2024.


"Edith Landmann-Kalischer: An Introduction," Eastern APA: New York, January 16, 2024. 


"Aesthetic Recognition: Perspectives from Schiller and Sense and Sensibility," Harvard's European Philosophy Workshop: December 8, 2023. 


"Social Theories of Aesthetic Value: A Post-Kantian Precedent," Panel on the Social Accounts of Aesthetic Value, with Anthony Cross, Thi Nguyen, and Nick Riggle, November 18, 2023.


"The Value of Creativity: A Kantian Perspective," Colloquium: Columbia University, October 12, 2023.


"The Value of Creativity: A Kantian Perspective," Chapel Hill Colloquium in Philosophy, September 29, 2023.


"Playing with Time: Imagination and Aesthetic Experience in Kant," 16th Congress of the International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, July 3-6, 2023, Rome.


"Imagination and Kantian Temporalities," The Shapes of Time in the Age of Enlightenment: Early Career Seminar, International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, June 27-30, 2023: Rome.


"Imagination and Kantian Temporalities," Untimely Imagination Conference, June 15-18, 2023, MaMa Multimedia Center: Zagreb.


"An Apology for Free Play: Kant on Imaginative Creativity in Aesthetic Appreciation," Kant's Theory of Imagination: A Workshop, May 5-6, 2023: Harvard University.


"Beauty and the Life of the Mind in Kant and Hegel," Organism and Life: Herder - Kant - Hegel Conference, May 4, 2023: Boston University.


"From Aesthetic Pessimism to Aesthetic Optimism in the Long Nineteenth Century," Workshop on Late Modern Philosophy: Optimism, Pessimism, and the Meaning of Life, April 28, 2023: Boston University.


"Kant Without Judgment: A Virtue Aesthetics Reading," Keynote: UT Austin Graduate Student Conference, April 21-22, 2023: UT Austin.


"Aesthetic Exploration: Not a Luxury," Bombay Beach Biennale, April 1, 2023: Bombay Beach. 


"Cassirer and the Phenomenology of Aesthetic Contemplation," Keynote: Cassirer and Phenomenology Conference, March 16, 2023: Instituto de Filosofía, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago. 


"Beyond the Either/Or in Aesthetic Life: Rethinking Aesthetic Universality," Independent Talk, March 15, 2023: Instituto de Filosofía, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago. 


"Imagination, Images, and the Aesthetic Object in Kantian Aesthetics," Panel with Jenny Judge and Michael Martin: Virtual Intermediaries as Aesthetic Objects, American Society of Aesthetics, November 19, 2022: Portland, Oregon.


"Kant Without Judgment: A Virtue Aesthetics Reading of Kantian Aesthetics," Keynote: Midwest North American Kant Society Conference, October 28, 2022: Loyola University, Chicago.


"Kant Without Judgment: A Virtue Aesthetics Reading of Kantian Aesthetics," Colloquium, October 21, 2022: Brown University.


"Hegel's Antigone and Aesthetic Community," Hegel on Art as a Social Practice" Conference, October 1, 2022: Boston University.


"Cassirer and the Prospects of Kantian Aesthetic Cognitivism," Keynote: Kant and Cassirer: Legacy, Interpretation, Frontiers" Conference, September 20, 2022: Mainz, Germany.


"Moral Imagination in Kant," American Society for Existential Phenomenology Conference, July 3, 2022: Columbia.


"Kant on Moral Perception," International Society for Phenomenological Studies Conference, June 22, 2022: Cotswolds.


"Kant on Moral Perception," Berlin Summer Colloquium for Women, June 13, 2022: Berlin.


Comments on themes related to Kant and German Idealism in Michael Rosen's The Shadow of God. A Meeting of Minds Workshop, June 11, 2022: Berlin.


"Kant on the Aesthetic Normativity of Colors and Tones," Normative Realism Workshop, May 25, 2022: NYU.


"Beyond the Either/Or in Aesthetic Life: A New Approach to Aesthetic Universality," the Geography of Taste Workshop, with comments from Whitney Davis (Art History, UC Berkeley), Joshua Landy (French, Comparative Literature, Stanford), and Jennifer Lena (Arts Administration, Sociology, Columbia), April 30, 2022: Toronto. 


"A Kantian Perspective on Seeing-As: The Aesthetics of Colors and Tones," Pacific APA: Seeing-As Session, Society for the Study of Analytic Philosophy, April 15, 2022: Vancouver.


Author-Meets-Critics on Cassirer: Critics: Alan Richardson (UBC), Jeremy Heis (UC Irvine), Luigi Filieri (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität-Mainz), and Michael Edward Moore (University of Iowa). Pacific APA, April 14, 2022: Vancouver.


"The Normativity of Color: Phenomenological Perspectives," Margins of Phenomenology Symposium, Boston Phenomenology Circle, April 9, 2022: Boston University and Boston College.


"A Kantian Account of the Aesthetic Normativity of Color," Experience and Objectivity: The 12th Annual Auburn Philosophy Conference, March 18-19, 2022: Auburn University.


"The Normativity of Color: Phenomenological Perspectives," Phenomenology-German Idealism Workshop, March 7, 2022: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore/Zoom. 


"The Normativity of Color: Phenomenological Perspectives," Keynote: Philopolis, February 26, 2022: Montréal/Zoom.


"The Aesthetic Theory of Edith Landmann-Kalischer," Keynote: New Voices: History of Women Philosophers and Scientists Conference, February 24, 2022: Universität-GH Paderborn/Zoom.


Cassirer: Author-Meets-Critics Session, Central APA, February 24, 2022: Chicago.


"Beyond the Either/Or in Aesthetic Life: A New Approach to Aesthetic Universality," Colloquium, February 3, 2022: UC Berkeley. 


"Truths and Lies in Art: The Aesthetic Cognitivism of Hedwig Dohm and Edith Landmann-Kalischer," Eastern APA Session on Women Philosophers in the Long Nineteenth Century, ed. Dalia Nassar and Kristin Gjesdal, January 18, 2022.


"The Normativity of Color: Phenomenological Perspectives," Warwick Post-Kantian European Philosophy Seminar, November 30, 2021.


"The Prospects of Aesthetic Universality," Colloquium, November 4, 2021: New School for Social Research.


"Cassirer on Art, Objectivity, and Self-Knowledge," Keynote: "Objectivity and Truth in Cassirer’s Philosophy of Culture and Philosophy of Science" Conference, October 7-8, 2021: Zoom. 


"Aesthetic Humility: A Kantian Model," Colloquium, September 24, 2021: NYU.


"Kant on Aesthetic Humility," Colloquium: Das wahre Schöne: Die Objektivität ästhetischer Urteile, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Philosophie (German Philosophy Society), September 7, 2021: Online.


"The Normativity of Color: Phenomenological Perspectives," Keynote: Copenhagen Summer School in Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind, August 12, 2021: Copenhagen.


"Aesthetic Diversity and the Prospects of Universality," Hampton Court Workshop, June 26, 2021: Hampton Court, U.K.


"Cassirer on Art and Self-Knowledge," Cambridge Verstehen Colloquium, June 11, 2021: Cambridge.


"Kant on Imagination and the Sensibility-Understanding Distinction," Cambridge Kant Reading Group, May 28, 2021: Cambridge.


"The Normativity of Color: Phenomenological Perspectives," Oxford Post-Kantian European Philosophy Seminar, May 18, 2021: Oxford.


"Cassirer on Art and Self-Knowledge," Colloquium: The Era of Neo-Kantianism, Instituto de Filosofía - Santiago de Chile, April 28-29, 2021: Online.


"The Normativity of Color: Perspectives from Edith Landmann-Kalischer and Maurice Merleau-Ponty," Monthly Phenomenology Workshop, November 20, 2020: Online.  


"The Prospects of Aesthetic Universality," Harvard Standing Committee on Women Mini-Symposium, November 9, 2020: Harvard.


"Between Aesthetic Diversity and Universality," Uppsala Aesthetics Research Seminar, October 6, 2020: Uppsala University.


"The Role of Imagination in Kant’s Theory of Empirical Concept Formation," The German Philosophy Workshop, February 7, 2020: University of Chicago.


"Recapturing Edith Landmann-Kalischer’s Theory of Aesthetic Value," Keynote, Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy, December 4th-6th: Melbourne.   


"The Role of Imagination in Kant’s Theory of Empirical Concept Formation," November 29th, 2019: University of New South Wales, Sydney.


"Back to the Secondary Quality Analogy: Edith Landmann-Kalischer's Moderate Objectivism about Aesthetic Value," American Society of Aesthetics Annual Meeting," Phoenix, October, 10th: Phoenix.  


"Edith Landmann-Kalischer's Moderate Objectivism about Aesthetic Value," Colloquium, August 29th, 2019: SUNY Buffalo, .


"Rethinking Kant on Aesthetic Normativity," Kant Congress, August 8th, 2019: Oslo.


"Edith Landmann-Kalischer's Moderate Objectivism about Aesthetic Value," American Society for Existential Phenomenology, June 27-28, 2019: Columbia University.


"Rethinking Kantian Aesthetic Normativity," Fordham German Aesthetics Workshop, June 25th, 2019: Fordham.


"Rethinking Kantian Aesthetic Normativity," Dartmouth Ethics and Aesthetics Workshop, May 24th-25th, 2019: Dartmouth.


"Rethinking Kantian Aesthetic Normativity," Aesthetics and Reasons Revolutionaries Conference, May 21st-22nd, 2019: Edinburgh.


Opening Remarks: "Mapping Aesthetic Normativity," Harvard-NYU Aesthetic Normativity Workshop, May 10th, 2019: Harvard.


Comments on Dom Lopes's Being for Beauty: Aesthetic Agency and Value, Pacific APA, April 19th, 2019: Vancouver.


Comments on Joseph Tingueley's Kant and the Reorientation of Aesthetics, Society For German Idealism and Romanticism Session, Pacific APA, April 19th, 2019: Vancouver.


"Toward an Aesthetic A Priori: Merleau-Ponty’s Reading of Kant," North American Neo-Kantian Society Session, Pacific APA, April 18th, 2019: Vancouver.


"Are All Artists Phenomenologists? Perspectives from Edith Landmann-Kalischer and Maurice Merleau-Ponty," Boston Aesthetics and Phenomenology Conference, April 6th-7th, 2019: Boston University.


"Kant on Imagination as the Faculty of Presentation," Colloquium Talk, March 28th, 2019: Colgate.


"Pleasure as a Call to Action," Aesthetic Motivation Panel with C. Thi Nguyen and Matthew Strohl, Pacific American Society of Aesthetics, March 22nd-23, 2019: Berkeley.


"From Truth to Beauty: The Phenomenological Aesthetics of Edith Landmann-Kalischer," Artist-Meets-Philosophers Session With Dom Lopes and Sarah Gjerston, Central APA, February 22nd, 2019: Denver/


"Rethinking Kant's Account of Aesthetic Normativity," North American Kant Society Session, Central APA, February 21st, 2019: Denver.


"Adorno and Default Theories of Aesthetic Value," Adorno's Aesthetic Theory Lecture Series, February 13th, 2019: Harvard University.


"Edith Landmann-Kalischer on Aesthetic Demarcation and Normativity," With Comments By Paul Boghossian, Eastern APA, January 8th, 2019: New York.


"Schiller on Freedom and Aesthetic Value," with Nick Riggle, Harvard European Philosophy Workshop, December 7th, 2018: Harvard University.


"Rethinking Kant's Account of Aesthetic Normativity," New York German Idealism Workshop, November 30th, 2018: Columbia University.  


"Edith Landmann-Kalischer on Aesthetic Demarcation and Normativity," Colloquium Talk, November 16th, 2018: Brandeis University.


"Kant on Imagination as the Faculty of Presentation," History of Philosophy Workshop, November 15th, 2018: Brown University.


"Kant on Imagination, Presentation, and Real Possibility," Midwest North American Kant Society Meetings, October 26th-27th, 2018: University of Wisconsin, Madison.


"Edith Landmann-Kalischer on Aesthetic Demarcation and Normativity," London Aesthetics Forum, October 17th, 2018: Institute of Philosophy, University of London's School of Advanced Study.


"Edith Landmann-Kalischer's Moderate Objectivism About Aesthetic Value," Post-Kantian Seminar, October 16th, 2018: Oxford University.


"Edith Landmann-Kalischer's Aesthetic Theory," Women Philosophers in the Long 19th Century Workshop, September 14th-15th, 2018: Temple University, Philadelphia.


"Kant on Imagination, Presentation, and Real Possibility," Berlin Summer Colloquium: Workshop for Women, June 25-29, 2018: Berlin.


"Kant on Imagination as the Faculty of Presentation," North American Kant Society Biennial Meeting, May 18-20, 2018: Vancouver.


"Are All Artists Phenomenologists?," Panel on Phenomenology, the Arts, and Literature, Horizons of Phenomenology Conference, April 27-29, 2018: UC Merced.  


"Aesthetic Ideals and Aesthetic Lives," ASA Pacific Meeting, April 4-6, 2018: Asilomar.


"Aesthetic Autonomy and Norms of Exposure," ASA Annual Meeting, November 15-18, 2017: New Orleans.


Comments on Michael Friedman’s “Cassirer in Context.” Conference on Issues in Modern Philosophy: Idealism, November 10-11, 2017: NYU.


“Aesthetic Ideals and Aesthetic Lives.” North American Kant Society Junior Women Workshop, November 3-4, 2017: St. Louis.


"A New Approach to Kant's Account of Aesthetic Autonomy," UK Kant Society Annual Meeting, September 4-6, 2017: St. Andrews.   


"From Imagination to Understanding: Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty's Appropriation of the Kantian Imagination," International Society for Phenomenological Studies, July 24-28, 2017: Kennebunkport, Maine. 


"Cassirer on Two Kinds of Relativism," Text and Context in German Philosophical Thought, June 13-14, 2017: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich


"Aesthetic Autonomy and Norms of Exposure," Art Rules: Reasons, Norms, and Standards - A Conference on Aesthetic Normativity, May 19-20, 2017: Utah Museum of Contemporary Art 


"Reversing the Kantian Imagination: Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty on Imagination as Understanding," The Imagination: Kantian and Phenomenological Models Workshop, May 5-6, 2017: University of Montreal


"Kant on the Scope of Aesthetic Reasons," Society for German Idealism and Romanticism Session:


"Epistemic Normativity," Pacific APA, April 15, 2017: Seattle


Critic for Author-Meets-Critics Session on Sebstian Luft's The Space of Culture, Pacific APA, April 12, 2017: Seattle


"Aesthetic Autonomy and Norms of Exposure," Colloquium, March 31, 2017: University of New Mexico 


Panelist: Enactivist Perspectives for the Probability and Perception Workshop, March 11-12, 2017: University of California, Berkeley


"A New Approach to Kant on the Autonomy of Aesthetic Response," American Society of Aesthetics, Annual Meeting, November 2016: Seattle


"Cassirer on Scientific Relativism as a Model for Cultural Relativism," “The Emergence of Relativism“ Conference, September 2016: University of Vienna


"Merleau-Ponty's Theory of Thought," International Society for Phenomenological Studies, July 2016: Kennebunkport, Maine


"Cassirer on the Teleology of Mathematics and Science," HOPOS 2016, June 22-25: Minneapolis


"Kant's Theory of Analogies," 3rd Biennial NAKS Conference, May 27-29, 2016: Emory University


Comments for the Invited Symposium: Aesthetic Reasons.  Speakers: Andrew McGonigal, Keren Gorodeisky, and Eric Marcus. March 31, 2016: Pacific APA, San Francisco.  


"The Status of Art in Cassirer's System of Culture," Centre for Advanced Studies in European Philosophy Session, Central APA, March 3, 2016: Chicago


"Creative Reception: Kant and Cassirer on the Spontaneity of Aesthetic Response," North American Neo-Kantian Society Session, Central APA, March 2, 2016: Chicago


"The Sublime as a Symbol of Morality," Colloquium, November 20, 2015: University of Notre Dame


Comments on Hannah Ginsborg's The Normativity of Nature. Author-Meets-Critics Session at the North American Kant Society Pacific Study Group, November 14, 2015: Simon Fraser University


"Kant on Cognition By Analogy", "Kant on Knowledge and Cognition" Workshop, October 23-24, 2015: University of Wisconsin, Madison


"Quantifying Creativity" Discussion Panelist, Data Science Event, October 19, 2015: UC Santa Cruz.


"The Sublime as a Symbol of Morality," 12th International Kant Congress "Nature and Freedom", September 21-25, 2015: University of Vienna


"Cassirer versus Heidegger on Art versus Science," International Society for Phenomenological Studies, July 28, 2015: Kennebunkport, Maine


"An Asymmetrical Kantian Heritage: Cassirer and Heidegger on Art and Science," The After-life of Phenomenology Workshop, April 24, 2015: Northwestern University


"Useful Fictions in Kant's Account of the Sublime," The Roles of Fiction in Early Modern Philosophy, April 17-18, 2015: University of Washington [link]


"Kant on Imagination, Images, and Perception," North American Kant Society Session 'Kant and the Imagination' at the Pacific American Philosophical Association, April 2015: Vancouver, BC


"The Unity of Science and Humanities in Marburg Neo-Kantianism," The Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer Conference, June 18-21, 2014: Marquette University [link]


"Images and Kant's Theory of Perception," Colloquium, May 16, 2014: Simon Fraser University


"Images and Kant's Theory of Perception," APA Pacific Division Meeting, April 2014: San Diego


"The Unity of Science and Humanities in Marburg Neo-Kantianism," UBC Department of Philosophy, January 24, 2014


"Kant's Expressive Theory of Music," American Society of Aesthetics Annual Meeting, October 30-November 2, 2013: San Diego.


"Kant's Expressive Theory of Music," 2nd Biennial National North American Kant Society Conference, May 31-June 2, 2013: Cornell University.


"Appropriating Schematism: Kantian Themes in Merleau-Ponty's Account of Perception," December 7, 2012: Pomona College.


"Appropriating the Productive Imagination: The Kantian Roots of Merleau-Ponty's Account of Pathology," September 15, 2012: Seminar in Phenomenology and the History of Philosophy, South Bend, IN [link]


"The Inclusive Interpretation of Kant's Aesthetic Ideas," September 22, 2012: British Society of Aesthetics Annual Conference, Oxford, U.K. [link]


"The Inclusive Interpretation of Kant's Aesthetic Ideas," May 11, 2012: History of Philosophy Roundtable, University of California, San Diego [link]


"Synthesis from Kant to Phenomenology," SPAP Panel Discussion, April 7, 2012: APA Pacific Division Meeting, Group Program, Seattle, Washington


"Kant on the Primacy of Schematized Categories," April 5, 2012: APA Pacific Division Meeting, Main Program, Seattle, Washington


"Cézanne's Apple and the Art of Seeing," March 1, 2012: Center for Ideas and Society, University of California, Riverside


"Kant and the Art of Schematism," November 12-13, 2011: North American Kant Society Pacific Division Meeting, Santa Cruz, California


"Merleau-Ponty and Holism about Perceptual and Conceptual Content", September 20-21, 2011: Conceptual Content: History and Prospects, Cambridge, U.K.  [link]


"Was Merleau-Ponty a Kantian?" June 2011: Nature, Freedom, and History: Merleau-Ponty after 50 Years, Dublin, Ireland [link]


"Was Merleau-Ponty a Kantian?" May 2011: Southwestern Seminar in Continental Philosophy, Denver, Colorado


"'Style' and Merleau-Ponty's Account of Object Constancy," May 2010: Southwestern Seminar in Continental Philosophy, Albuquerque, New Mexico

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