Seeing More: Kant's Theory of Imagination (Oxford University Press, 2024)
The Geography of Taste, with contributions also by Dominic McIver Lopes, Mohan Matthen, and Bence Nanay (Oxford University Press, 2024, pdf)
Edith Landmann-Kalischer: Essays on Art, Aesthetics, and Value, edited and with an introduction by me, translated by Daniel Dahlstrom. In Oxford's New Histories of Philosophy Series, eds., Christia Mercer and Melvin Rogers (Oxford University Press, 2023)
Cassirer for the Routledge Philosophers Series (2021) (amazon) (routledge)
-listen to my interview on the New Books in Philosophy Podcast here
-for more discussion, see the British Journal for the History of Philosophy Symposium with Tobias Endres, Scott Edgar, Katherina Kinzel, and Sebastian Luft, with my reply, and reviews by Luigi Filieri (European Journal of Philosophy, Jacinto Páez Bonifaci (Journal of Transcendental Philosophy), and Evan Clarke (Journal of the History of Philosophy)
"Aesthetic Humility: A Kantian Model," Mind (2023) [link]
"Aesthetic Autonomy and Norms of Exposure," Pacific Philosophical Quarterly (2021) [link]
"Edith Landmann-Kalischer on Aesthetic Demarcation and Normativity," British Journal of Aesthetics (2020) [link]
"Schiller on Freedom and Aesthetic Value," Parts I and II, written with Nick Riggle, British Journal of Aesthetics (2020) [link to Part I] [link to Part II]
-commentary by Paloma Atencia-Linares
-listed on the Oxford University Press 'Best of Philosophy 2020'
"Kant on Aesthetic Autonomy and Common Sense." Philosophers' Imprint 19(24) (2019) [pdf] [link]
"Toward a New Transcendental Aesthetic: Merleau-Ponty’s Appraisal of Kant’s Philosophical Method." British Journal for the History of Philosophy 27(2) (2019) [pdf]
"The Hidden Art of Understanding: Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty's Appropriation of Kant's Theory of Imagination." New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, Vol. XVIII:
Special Issue: The Imagination: Kant’s Phenomenological Legacy, eds. Maxime Doyon and Augustin Dumont (2019) [pdf]
“Merleau-Ponty on Abstract Thought in Mathematics and Natural Science.” European Journal of Philosophy 26 (2018) [pdf]
“Cassirer’s Psychology of Relations: From the Psychology of Mathematics and Natural Science to the Psychology of Culture.” Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy, Special Issue: “Method, Science, and Mathematics,” eds. Lydia Patton and Scott Edgar, 6(3) (2018) [pdf]
"Merleau-Ponty on Style as the Key to Perceptual Presence and Constancy.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 55(4) (2017) [pdf]
"Kantian Themes in Merleau-Ponty's Theory of Perception." Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 98(2): 193-230 (2016) [pdf]
"Images and Kant's Theory of Perception." Ergo 2(29): 737-777 (2015) [pdf] [link]
"Kant and the Art of Schematism." Kantian Review 19(2): 181-205 (2014) [pdf]
"Kant's Expressive Theory of Music." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 72(2): 129-145 (2014) [pdf]
"The Kantian Roots of Merleau-Ponty's Account of Pathology." British Journal for the History of Philosophy 22(1): 124-149 (2014) [pdf]
"The Inclusive Interpretation of Kant's Aesthetic Ideas." British Journal of Aesthetics 53(1): 21-39 (2013) [pdf]
Essays in Collected Volumes:
"Kant on the Aesthetic Normativity of Colors and Tones" for Normative Realism, eds. Paul Boghossian and Christopher Peacocke (Oxford University Press, under review).
"Imagination is Part of Sensibility," with comments by Andrew Stephenson, for Kant's Fundamental Assumptions, eds. Colin Marshall and Colin McLear (OUP, under review)
"Imagining Freedom: Kant on Symbols of Sublimity" in Kantian Freedom, eds. Dai Heide and Evan Tiffany (Oxford University Press) (2023) [pdf]
"Are Artists Phenomenologists? Perspectives from Edith Landmann-Kalischer and Maurice Merleau-Ponty," in Horizons of Phenomenology (open access), eds. Patrick Londen, Phil Walsh, Jeff Yoshimi (Springer) (2023)
“Cognition by Analogy and the Possibility of Metaphysics” for the Cambridge Critical Guide to the Prolegomena, ed. Peter Thielke (Cambridge University Press) (2021)
“The Status of Art in Cassirer's System of Culture," in Interpreting Cassirer, ed. Simon Truwant (Cambridge University Press) (2021)
“Cassirer on Relativism in Science and Morality" in The Emergence of Relativism: German Thought from the Enlightenment to National Socialism, ed. Martin Kusch, Katherina Kinzel, Johannes Steizinger, and Niels Wildschut (Routledge) (2019).
"Marburg Neo-Kantianism as Philosophy of Culture" in The Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer: A Novel Assessment, ed. Sebastian Luft and Tyler Friedman (de Gruyter) (2015) [pdf]
Entries in Handbooks and Lexicons:​
"Kant on Beauty and Aesthetic Humility" for the Oxford Handbook on Kant, eds. Anil Gomes and Andrew Stephenson (forthcoming)
"Trends in Aesthetics" for the Oxford Handbook of Nineteenth-Century Women Philosophers in the German Tradition, eds. Kristin Gjesdal and Dalia Nassar (2024)
"Ella Lyman Cabot" for Oxford Handbook of American and British Women Philosophers of the 19th Century, eds., Lydia Moland, Alison Stone (2023)
"Image" and "Imagination" entries in the The Cambridge Kant Lexicon, ed. Julian Wuerth (2021) [pdf]
"Kunst", "Riß", and "Anschauung" entries in The Cambridge Heidegger Lexicon, ed. Mark Wrathall (2021) [pdf]
"Kant's Theory of the Imagination" in the Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Imagination, ed. Amy Kind (Routledge) (2016) [pdf]
Book Reviews:
"Aesthetic Learners and Underachievers" for the Symposium on Dominic McIver Lopes’s Being for Beauty, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (2021) [link]
Review of Thomas Hilgers, Aesthetic Disinterestedness: Art, Experience, and the Self, Philosophy in Review (2020) [link]
Review of Joseph Tinguely, Kant and the Reorientation of Aesthetics, in SGIR Review (2019) [link]
Review of Melissa Merritt, Kant on Reflection and Virtue, in Australasian Journal of Philosophy (2019)
Review of Michel Chaouli, Thinking With Kant's Critique of Judgment in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (2017) [link]
Review of Hannah Ginsborg, The Normativity of Nature: Essays on Kant's "Critique of Judgment" in Philosophical Review (2017) [pdf]
Review of Sebastian Luft, The Space of Culture: Towards a Neo-Kantian Philosophy of Culture (Cohen, Natorp, and Cassirer) in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (2016) [link]
Review of Jennifer A. McMahon, Art and Ethics in a Material World: Kant's Pragmatist Legacy in The Philosophical Quarterly (2016) [pdf]
Review of Gregory S. Moss, Ernst Cassirer and the Autonomy of Language in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (2015) [link]
Other Pieces in Progress:
"The Aesthetic Picturesque in Pride and Prejudice"
"Jane Austen and the Sociality of Wit"
“Hegel’s Antigone and Aesthetic Community,” for a special issue of the Hegel Bulletin, eds. Sally Sedgwick and Allen Speight
“The Value of Creativity in Kant’s Aesthetics,” for the Cambridge Critical Guide to the Critique of Judgment, ed. Alix Cohen (Cambridge University Press)
“Recognition in Aesthetic Community,” for The Philosophy of Recognition: Expanded Perspectives on a Fundamental Concept, eds. Matt Congdon and Thomas Khurana, in Routledge’s Rewriting the History of Philosophy Series
Rethinking the History of Philosophy:
I also participate in two projects oriented around rethinking the history of philosophy: Extending New Narratives and History of Women Philosophers and Scientists.